Source code for sbmlutils.validation

"""Helpers for validation and checking of SBML and libsbml operations."""
import time
from dataclasses import dataclass
from typing import Iterable, List, Optional

import libsbml

from sbmlutils.console import console
from sbmlutils.log import get_logger

[docs]logger = get_logger(__name__)
[docs]def check(value: int, message: str) -> bool: """Check the libsbml return value and prints message if something happened. If 'value' is None, prints an error message constructed using 'message' and then exits with status code 1. If 'value' is an integer, it assumes it is a libSBML return status code. If the code value is LIBSBML_OPERATION_SUCCESS, returns without further action; if it is not, prints an error message constructed using 'message' along with text from libSBML explaining the meaning of the code, and exits with status code 1. """ valid = True if value is None: logger.error(f"Error: LibSBML returned a null value trying to <{message}>.") valid = False elif isinstance(value, int): if value != libsbml.LIBSBML_OPERATION_SUCCESS: logger.error(f"Error encountered trying to '{message}'.") logger.error( f"LibSBML returned error code {str(value)}: " f"{libsbml.OperationReturnValue_toString(value).strip()}" ) valid = False return valid
[docs]class ValidationOptions: """Options for SBML validator. Controls the consistency checks that are performed when SBMLDocument.checkConsistency() is called. * `general_consistency`: Correctness and consistency of specific SBML language constructs. Performing this set of checks is highly recommended. With respect to the SBML specification, these concern failures in applying the validation rules numbered 2xxxx in the Level 2 Versions 2-4 and Level 3 Versions 1-2 specifications. * `ìdentifier_consistency`: Correctness and consistency of identifiers used for model entities. An example of inconsistency would be using a species identifier in a reaction rate formula without first having declared the species. With respect to the SBML specification, these concern failures in applying the validation rules numbered 103xx in the Level 2 Versions 2-4 and Level 3 Versions 1-2 specifications. * `units_consistency`: Consistency of measurement units associated with quantities in a model. With respect to the SBML specification, these concern failures in applying the validation rules numbered 105xx in the Level 2 Versions 2-4 and Level 3 Versions 1-2 specifications. * `mathml_consistency`: Syntax of MathML constructs. With respect to the SBML specification, these concern failures in applying the validation rules numbered 102xx in the Level 2 Versions 2-4 and Level 3 Versions 1-2 specifications. * `sbo_consistency`: Consistency and validity of SBO identifiers (if any) used in the model. With respect to the SBML specification, these concern failures in applying the validation rules numbered 107xx in the Level 2 Versions 2-4 and Level 3 Versions 1-2 specifications. * `overdetermined_model`: Static analysis of whether the system of equations implied by a model is mathematically overdetermined. With respect to the SBML specification, this is validation rule #10601 in the Level 2 Versions 2-4 and Level 3 Versions 1-2 specifications. * `modeling_practise`: Additional checks for recommended good modeling practice. (These are tests performed by libSBML and do not have equivalent SBML validation rules.) By default, all validation checks are applied to the model in an SBMLDocument object unless SBMLDocument.setConsistencyChecks() is called to indicate that only a subset should be applied. Further, this default (i.e., performing all checks) applies separately to each new SBMLDocument object created. In other words, each time a model is read using SBMLReader.readSBML(), SBMLReader.readSBMLFromString(), or the global functions readSBML() and readSBMLFromString(), a new SBMLDocument is created and for that document, a call to SBMLDocument.checkConsistency() will default to applying all possible checks. Calling programs must invoke SBMLDocument.setConsistencyChecks() for each such new model if they wish to change the consistency checks applied. * `internal_consistency`: Additional checks that model is consistent XML. * `log_errors` Boolean flag to log errors. """
[docs] log_errors: bool = True
[docs] internal_consistency: bool = True
[docs] general_consistency: bool = True
[docs] identifier_consistency: bool = True
[docs] mathml_consistency: bool = True
[docs] units_consistency: bool = True
[docs] sbo_consistency: bool = True
[docs] overdetermined_model: bool = True
[docs] modeling_practice: bool = True
[docs]class ValidationResult: """Results of an SBMLDocument validation.""" def __init__( self, errors: Optional[List[libsbml.SBMLError]] = None, warnings: Optional[List[libsbml.SBMLError]] = None, ): """Initialize ValidationResult.""" if errors is None: errors = list() if warnings is None: warnings = list() self.errors = errors self.warnings = warnings @property
[docs] def error_count(self) -> int: """Get number of errors.""" return len(self.errors)
[docs] def warning_count(self) -> int: """Get number of warnings.""" return len(self.warnings)
[docs] def all_count(self) -> int: """Get number of errors and warnings.""" return self.error_count + self.warning_count
[docs] def from_results(results: Iterable["ValidationResult"]) -> "ValidationResult": """Parse from ValidationResult.""" errors = list() warnings = list() for vres in results: errors.extend(vres.errors) warnings.extend(vres.warnings) return ValidationResult(errors=errors, warnings=warnings)
[docs] def log(self) -> None: """Log errors and warnings.""" for k, error in enumerate(self.errors): log_sbml_error(error, index=k) for k, warning in enumerate(self.warnings): log_sbml_error(warning, index=k)
[docs] def is_valid(self) -> bool: """Get valid status (valid model), i.e., no errors.""" return self.error_count == 0 # type: ignore
[docs] def is_perfect(self) -> bool: """Get perfect status (perfect model), i.e., no errors and warnings.""" return self.error_count == 0 and self.warning_count == 0 # type: ignore
[docs]def log_sbml_errors_for_doc(doc: libsbml.SBMLDocument) -> None: """Log errors of current SBMLDocument.""" for k in range(doc.getNumErrors()): log_sbml_error(error=doc.getError(k))
[docs]def log_sbml_error(error: libsbml.SBMLError, index: Optional[int] = None) -> None: """Log SBMLError.""" msg, severity = error_string(error=error, index=index) if severity == libsbml.LIBSBML_SEV_WARNING: logger.warning(msg, extra={"markup": True}) elif severity in [libsbml.LIBSBML_SEV_ERROR, libsbml.LIBSBML_SEV_FATAL]: logger.error(msg, extra={"markup": True}) else:, extra={"markup": True})
[docs]def error_string(error: libsbml.SBMLError, index: Optional[int] = None) -> tuple: """Get string representation and severity of SBMLError.""" package: str = error.getPackage() if package == "": package = "core" severity = error.getSeverity() lines = [ "[black on white]" + "E{}: {} ({}, L{}, {})".format( index, error.getCategoryAsString(), package, error.getLine(), "code" ) + "[/black on white]", f"[{error.getSeverityAsString().lower()}][on black][{error.getSeverityAsString()}] {error.getShortMessage()}[/on black][/{error.getSeverityAsString().lower()}]", f"{error.getMessage()}", ] error_str = "\n".join(lines) return error_str, severity
[docs]def validate_doc( doc: libsbml.SBMLDocument, options: Optional[ValidationOptions] = None, title: Optional[str] = None, ) -> ValidationResult: """Validate SBMLDocument. :param doc: SBMLDocument to check :param title: identifier or path for validation report :param options: validation options and settings. :return: ValidationResult """ if options is None: options = ValidationOptions() if not title: title = str(doc) if str(title).startswith("/"): title = f"file://{title}" # set the consistency doc.setConsistencyChecks( libsbml.LIBSBML_CAT_GENERAL_CONSISTENCY, options.general_consistency ) doc.setConsistencyChecks( libsbml.LIBSBML_CAT_IDENTIFIER_CONSISTENCY, options.identifier_consistency ) doc.setConsistencyChecks( libsbml.LIBSBML_CAT_MATHML_CONSISTENCY, options.mathml_consistency ) doc.setConsistencyChecks( libsbml.LIBSBML_CAT_UNITS_CONSISTENCY, options.units_consistency ) doc.setConsistencyChecks( libsbml.LIBSBML_CAT_SBO_CONSISTENCY, options.sbo_consistency ), doc.setConsistencyChecks( libsbml.LIBSBML_CAT_OVERDETERMINED_MODEL, options.overdetermined_model ) doc.setConsistencyChecks( libsbml.LIBSBML_CAT_SBO_CONSISTENCY, options.sbo_consistency ), # time current = time.perf_counter() # check the document results_internal: ValidationResult if options.internal_consistency: results_internal = _check_consistency(doc, internal_consistency=True) else: results_internal = ValidationResult() results_not_internal = _check_consistency(doc, internal_consistency=False) # sum up vresults = ValidationResult.from_results([results_internal, results_not_internal]) lines = [str(title), f"{'valid':<25}: {str(vresults.is_valid()).upper()}"] if not vresults.is_perfect(): lines += [ f"{'validation error(s)':<25}: {vresults.error_count}", f"{'validation warnings(s)':<25}: {vresults.warning_count}", ] lines += [ f"{'check time (s)':<25}: {time.perf_counter() - current:.3f}", ] info = "\n".join(lines) if vresults.is_perfect(): style = "success" else: if vresults.is_valid(): style = "warning" else: style = "error" # validation report console.print() console.rule("Validate SBML", style=style) console.print(info, style=style) console.rule(style=style) console.print() # individual error and warning report if options.log_errors: vresults.log() return vresults
[docs]def _check_consistency( doc: libsbml.SBMLDocument, internal_consistency: bool = False ) -> ValidationResult: """Calculate the type of errors. :param doc: SBMLDocument :param internal_consistency: flag for internal consistency :return: ValidationResult """ errors = list() warnings = list() if internal_consistency: count = doc.checkInternalConsistency() else: count = doc.checkConsistency() if count > 0: for i in range(count): error = doc.getError(i) severity = error.getSeverity() if (severity == libsbml.LIBSBML_SEV_ERROR) or ( severity == libsbml.LIBSBML_SEV_FATAL ): errors.append(error) else: warnings.append(error) return ValidationResult(errors=errors, warnings=warnings)