Source code for

"""Creates dictionary of information for given model.

The model dictionary can be used for rendering the HTML report.
The information can be serialized to JSON for later rendering in web app.
from __future__ import annotations

import hashlib
import json
import pprint
from pathlib import Path
from typing import Any, Dict, List, Optional, Union

import libsbml
import numpy as np

from import read_sbml
from sbmlutils.metadata.miriam import BiologicalQualifierType, ModelQualifierType
from import astnode_to_latex, symbol_to_latex
from import udef_to_string

[docs]def _get_sbase_attribute(sbase: libsbml.SBase, key: str) -> Optional[Any]: """Get SBase attribute.""" key = f"{key[0].upper()}{key[1:]}" if getattr(sbase, f"isSet{key}")(): return getattr(sbase, f"get{key}")() else: return None
[docs]def clean_empty(d: Union[Dict, List, str]) -> Union[Dict, List, str]: """Remove empty fields from JSON. Reducing to core information. """ if isinstance(d, dict): return {k: v for k, v in ((k, clean_empty(v)) for k, v in d.items()) if v} if isinstance(d, list): return [v for v in map(clean_empty, d) if v] return d
[docs]class SBMLDocumentInfo: """Class for collecting information in JSON on an SBMLDocument to create reports. A single document can contain multiple models or be a hierarchical model (comp package). """ def __init__( self, doc: libsbml.SBMLDocument, ): """Initialize SBMLDocumentInfo.""" self.doc: libsbml.SBMLDocument = doc = self.create_info() @staticmethod
[docs] def from_sbml(source: Union[Path, str]) -> SBMLDocumentInfo: """Read model info from SBML.""" doc: libsbml.SBMLDocument = read_sbml(source) return SBMLDocumentInfo(doc=doc)
[docs] def __repr__(self) -> str: """Get string representation.""" return f"SBMLInfo({self.doc})"
[docs] def __str__(self) -> str: """Get string.""" return pprint.pformat(, indent=2)
[docs] def to_json(self, strip: bool = True, indent: int = 2) -> str: """Serialize to JSON representation.""" d = if strip: d = clean_empty(d) # type: ignore return json.dumps(d, indent=indent)
[docs] def create_info(self) -> Dict[str, Any]: """Create information dictionary for report rendering.""" model: Optional[Dict[str, Any]] if self.doc.isSetModel(): model = self.model_dict(self.doc.getModel()) else: model = None d = { "doc": self.document(doc=self.doc), "model": model, **self.model_definitions(), } return d
[docs] def model_dict( self, model: Union[libsbml.Model, libsbml.ModelDefinition] ) -> Dict[str, Any]: """Create information for a given model.""" assignments = self._create_assignment_map(model=model) ports = self._create_port_map(model=model) self.maps = { "assignments": assignments, "ports": ports, } rules = self.rules(model=model) d = { # sbml model information **self.model(model=model), # core "functionDefinitions": self.function_definitions(model=model), "unitDefinitions": self.unit_definitions(model=model), "compartments": self.compartments(model=model, assignments=assignments), "species": self.species(model=model, assignments=assignments), "parameters": self.parameters(model=model, assignments=assignments), "initialAssignments": self.initial_assignments(model=model), "assignmentRules": rules["assignmentRules"], "rateRules": rules["rateRules"], "algebraicRules": rules["algebraicRules"], "constraints": self.constraints(model=model), "reactions": self.reactions(model=model), "events":, # comp "submodels": self.submodels(model=model), "ports": self.ports(model=model), # fbc "geneProducts": self.gene_products(model=model), "objectives": self.objectives(model=model), } # add crosslinks self.add_compartment_links(d["compartments"], d["species"], d["reactions"]) self.add_species_links(d["species"], d["reactions"]) return d
[docs] def _sbaseref(sbaseref: libsbml.SBaseRef) -> Optional[Dict]: """Format the SBaseRef instance. Used to figure out the type of the SBaseRef. :param sbaseref: SBaseRef instance :return: Dictionary containing formatted SBaseRef instance's data """ if sbaseref.isSetPortRef(): return {"type": "port_ref", "value": sbaseref.getPortRef()} elif sbaseref.isSetIdRef(): return {"type": "id_ref", "value": sbaseref.getIdRef()} elif sbaseref.isSetUnitRef(): return {"type": "unit_ref", "value": sbaseref.getUnitRef()} elif sbaseref.isSetMetaIdRef(): return {"type": "metaId_ref", "value": sbaseref.getMetaIdRef()} return None
[docs] def _create_port_map(self, model: libsbml.Model) -> Dict: """Create dictionary of symbols:port for symbols in model. This allows to lookup port for a given Sbase. :return: port dictionary for model """ ports: Dict[str, Dict] = {} port: libsbml.Port comp_model: libsbml.CompModelPlugin = model.getPlugin("comp") if comp_model: for port in comp_model.getListOfPorts(): port_info = self.sbaseref_dict(port) if port.isSetIdRef(): ports[port.getIdRef()] = port_info elif port.isSetUnitRef(): udef: libsbml.UnitDefinition = model.getUnitDefinition( port.getUnitRef() ) # Be careful, this is a different namespace. # I.e. for UnitDefinitions you have to check ports in a different namespace ports[f"units:{udef.getId()}"] = port_info elif port.isSetMetaIdRef(): metaid = port.getMetaIdRef() sbase: libsbml.SBase = model.getElementByMetaId(metaid) if not sbase: sbase = model.getElementFromPluginsByMetaId(metaid) if sbase.isSetId(): ports[sbase.getId()] = port_info return ports
[docs] def _create_assignment_map(self, model: libsbml.Model) -> Dict: """Create dictionary of symbols:assignment for symbols in model. This allows to lookup assignments for a given variable. :return: assignment dictionary for model """ assignments: Dict[str, Dict] = {} initial_assignment: libsbml.InitialAssignment for initial_assignment in model.getListOfInitialAssignments(): pk_symbol = ( initial_assignment.getSymbol() if initial_assignment.isSetSymbol() else None ) if pk_symbol: assignments[pk_symbol] = { "pk": self._get_pk(initial_assignment), "id": pk_symbol, "sbmlType": self._sbml_type(initial_assignment), } math_str = ( symbol_to_latex(pk_symbol) + "(0) = " f"{astnode_to_latex(initial_assignment.getMath())}" ) assignments[pk_symbol]["math"] = math_str rule: libsbml.Rule for rule in model.getListOfRules(): pk_symbol = rule.getVariable() if rule.isSetVariable() else None if pk_symbol: assignments[pk_symbol] = { "pk": self._get_pk(rule), "id": pk_symbol, "sbmlType": self._sbml_type(rule), } math_str = "" if assignments[pk_symbol]["sbmlType"] == "AssignmentRule": math_str = ( symbol_to_latex(pk_symbol) + " = " f"{astnode_to_latex(rule.getMath()) if rule.isSetMath() else None}" ) elif assignments[pk_symbol]["sbmlType"] == "RateRule": derivative = "\\frac{d" + symbol_to_latex(pk_symbol) + "}{{dt}}" math_str = f"{derivative} = {astnode_to_latex(rule.getMath()) if rule.isSetMath() else None}" assignments[pk_symbol]["math"] = math_str return assignments
[docs] def _sbml_type(sbase: libsbml.SBase) -> str: class_name = str(sbase.__class__)[16:-2] return class_name
[docs] def _get_pk(sbase: libsbml.SBase) -> str: """Calculate primary key.""" if not hasattr(sbase, "pk"): pk: str = f"{SBMLDocumentInfo._sbml_type(sbase)}:" if sbase.isSetId(): pk += sbase.getId() elif sbase.isSetMetaId(): pk += sbase.getMetaId() else: xml = sbase.toSBML() pk += SBMLDocumentInfo._uuid(xml) = pk return pk
[docs] def _uuid(xml: str) -> str: """Generate unique identifier. SHA1 digest of the identifier (mostly the xml string). """ return str(hashlib.sha1(xml.encode("utf-8")).hexdigest())
[docs] def sbase_dict(cls, sbase: libsbml.SBase) -> Dict[str, Any]: """Info dictionary for SBase. :param sbase: SBase instance for which info dictionary is to be created :return info dictionary for item """ pk = cls._get_pk(sbase) d = { "pk": pk, "sbmlType": cls._sbml_type(sbase), "id": sbase.getId() if sbase.isSetId() else None, "metaId": sbase.getMetaId() if sbase.isSetMetaId() else None, "name": sbase.getName() if sbase.isSetName() else None, "sbo": sbase.getSBOTermID() if sbase.isSetSBOTerm() else None, "cvterms": cls.cvterms(sbase), "history": cls.model_history(sbase), "notes": sbase.getNotesString() if sbase.isSetNotes() else None, } # TODO: add the ports information if sbase.getTypeCode() in {libsbml.SBML_DOCUMENT, libsbml.SBML_MODEL}: d["xml"] = None else: d["xml"] = sbase.toSBML() # comp item_comp = sbase.getPlugin("comp") if item_comp and type(item_comp) == libsbml.CompSBasePlugin: # ReplacedBy if item_comp.isSetReplacedBy(): replaced_by = item_comp.getReplacedBy() submodel_ref = replaced_by.getSubmodelRef() d["replacedBy"] = { "submodelRef": submodel_ref, "replacedBySbaseref": cls._sbaseref(replaced_by), } else: d["replacedBy"] = None # ListOfReplacedElements if item_comp.getNumReplacedElements() > 0: replaced_elements = [] for rep_el in item_comp.getListOfReplacedElements(): submodel_ref = rep_el.getSubmodelRef() replaced_elements.append( { "submodelRef": submodel_ref, "replacedElementSbaseref": cls._sbaseref(rep_el), } ) d["replacedElements"] = replaced_elements else: d["replacedElements"] = None # distrib sbml_distrib: libsbml.DistribSBasePlugin = sbase.getPlugin("distrib") if sbml_distrib and isinstance(sbml_distrib, libsbml.DistribSBasePlugin): d["uncertainties"] = [] for uncertainty in sbml_distrib.getListOfUncertainties(): u_dict = SBMLDocumentInfo.sbase_dict(uncertainty) u_dict["uncertaintyParameters"] = [] upar: libsbml.UncertParameter for upar in uncertainty.getListOfUncertParameters(): param_dict = { "var": upar.getVar() if upar.isSetVar() else None, "value": upar.getValue() if upar.isSetValue() else None, "units": upar.getUnits() if upar.isSetUnits() else None, "type": upar.getTypeAsString() if upar.isSetType() else None, "definitionURL": upar.getDefinitionURL() if upar.isSetDefinitionURL() else None, "math": astnode_to_latex(upar.getMath()) if upar.isSetMath() else None, } u_dict["uncertaintyParameters"].append(param_dict) d["uncertainties"].append(u_dict) return d
[docs] def sbaseref_dict(self, sbaseref: libsbml.SBaseRef) -> Dict[str, Any]: """Info dictionary for SBaseRef. :param sbaseref: SBaseRef instance for which information dictionary is created :return: information dictionary for SBaseRef """ d = self.sbase_dict(sbaseref) d["portRef"] = sbaseref.getPortRef() if sbaseref.isSetPortRef() else None d["idRef"] = sbaseref.getIdRef() if sbaseref.isSetIdRef() else None d["unitRef"] = sbaseref.getUnitRef() if sbaseref.isSetUnitRef() else None d["metaIdRef"] = sbaseref.getMetaIdRef() if sbaseref.isSetMetaIdRef() else None d["referencedElement"] = { "element": type(sbaseref.getReferencedElement()).__name__, "elementId": sbaseref.getReferencedElement().getId(), } return d
[docs] def cvterms(cls, sbase: libsbml.SBase) -> Optional[List]: """Parse CVTerms information. :param sbase: SBase instance """ if not sbase.isSetAnnotation(): return None cvterms = [] for kcv in range(sbase.getNumCVTerms()): cv: libsbml.CVTerm = sbase.getCVTerm(kcv) # qualifier q_type = cv.getQualifierType() if q_type == libsbml.MODEL_QUALIFIER: qualifier = ModelQualifierType[cv.getModelQualifierType()] elif q_type == libsbml.BIOLOGICAL_QUALIFIER: qualifier = BiologicalQualifierType[cv.getBiologicalQualifierType()] else: raise ValueError(f"Unsupported qualifier type: '{q_type}'") resources = [cv.getResourceURI(k) for k in range(cv.getNumResources())] cvterms.append( { "qualifier": qualifier, "resources": resources, } ) # add SBO term as CVTerm if sbase.isSetSBOTerm(): sbo = sbase.getSBOTermID() sbo_in_cvs: bool = False for cv in cvterms: for resource in cv["resources"]: if sbo in resource: sbo_in_cvs = True break if not sbo_in_cvs: cvterms = [ { "qualifier": "BQB_IS", "resources": [f"{sbo}"], } ] + cvterms return cvterms
[docs] def model_history(cls, sbase: libsbml.SBase) -> Optional[Dict]: """Parse model history information. :return """ if sbase.isSetModelHistory(): history: libsbml.ModelHistory = sbase.getModelHistory() else: return None creators = [] for kc in range(history.getNumCreators()): c: libsbml.ModelCreator = history.getCreator(kc) creators.append( { "givenName": c.getGivenName() if c.isSetGivenName() else None, "familyName": c.getFamilyName() if c.isSetFamilyName() else None, "organization": c.getOrganization() if c.isSetOrganization() else None, "email": c.getEmail() if c.isSetEmail() else None, } ) created_date = ( history.getCreatedDate().getDateAsString() if history.isSetCreatedDate() else None ) modified_dates = [] for km in range(history.getNumModifiedDates()): modified_dates.append(history.getModifiedDate(km).getDateAsString()) return { "creators": creators, "createdDate": created_date, "modifiedDates": modified_dates, }
[docs] def document(self, doc: libsbml.SBMLDocument) -> Dict[str, str]: """Info for SBMLDocument. :param doc: SBMLDocument :return: information dictionary for SBMLDocument """ d = self.sbase_dict(doc) packages: Dict[str, Any] = {} packages["document"] = {"level": doc.getLevel(), "version": doc.getVersion()} plugins: List[Dict[str, Any]] = [] for k in range(doc.getNumPlugins()): plugin: libsbml.SBMLDocumentPlugin = doc.getPlugin(k) prefix: str = plugin.getPrefix() version: int = plugin.getPackageVersion() plugins.append({"prefix": prefix, "version": version}) packages["plugins"] = plugins d["packages"] = packages return d
[docs] def model(self, model: libsbml.Model) -> Dict[str, str]: """Info for SBML Model. :param model: Model :return: information dictionary for Model """ d = self.sbase_dict(model) for key in [ "substanceUnits", "timeUnits", "volumeUnits", "areaUnits", "lengthUnits", "extentUnits", ]: d[f"{key}_unit"] = _get_sbase_attribute(model, key) d[key] = udef_to_string(d[f"{key}_unit"], model) # FIXME: handle analoque to species if model.isSetConversionFactor(): cf_sid = model.getConversionFactor() cf_p: libsbml.Parameter = model.getParameter(cf_sid) cf_value = cf_p.getValue() cf_units = cf_p.getUnits() d["conversionFactor"] = { "sid": cf_sid, "value": cf_value, "units": cf_units, } else: d["conversionFactor"] = {} return d
[docs] def function_definitions(self, model: libsbml.Model) -> List: """Information dictionaries for FunctionDefinitions. :return: list of info dictionaries for FunctionDefinitions """ func_defs = [] fd: libsbml.FunctionDefinition for fd in model.getListOfFunctionDefinitions(): d = self.sbase_dict(fd) d["math"] = astnode_to_latex(fd.getMath()) if fd.isSetMath() else None func_defs.append(d) return func_defs
[docs] def unit_definitions(self, model: libsbml.Model) -> List: """Information for UnitDefinitions. :return: list of info dictionaries for UnitDefinitions """ unit_defs = [] ud: libsbml.UnitDefinition for ud in model.getListOfUnitDefinitions(): d = self.sbase_dict(ud) d["units"] = udef_to_string(ud) key = "units:" +":")[-1] if key in self.maps["assignments"]: d["assignment"] = self.maps["assignments"][key] if key in self.maps["ports"]: d["port"] = self.maps["ports"][key] unit_defs.append(d) return unit_defs
[docs] def compartments( self, model: libsbml.Model, assignments: Dict[str, Dict[str, str]] ) -> List[Dict]: """Information for Compartments. :return: list of info dictionaries for Compartments """ compartments = [] c: libsbml.Compartment for c in model.getListOfCompartments(): d = self.sbase_dict(c) for key in ["spatialDimensions", "size", "constant"]: d[key] = _get_sbase_attribute(c, key) if d["size"] is not None and np.isnan(d["size"]): # NaN not JSON serializable d["size"] = "NaN" d["units_sid"] = c.getUnits() if c.isSetUnits() else None d["units"] = udef_to_string(d["units_sid"], model) d["derivedUnits"] = udef_to_string(c.getDerivedUnitDefinition()) key =":")[-1] if key in self.maps["assignments"]: d["assignment"] = self.maps["assignments"][key] if key in self.maps["ports"]: d["port"] = self.maps["ports"][key] compartments.append(d) return compartments
[docs] def species( self, model: libsbml.Model, assignments: Dict[str, Dict[str, str]] ) -> List[Dict]: """Information for Species. :return: list of info dictionaries for Species """ species = [] s: libsbml.Species for s in model.getListOfSpecies(): d = self.sbase_dict(s) for key in [ "compartment", "initialAmount", "initialConcentration", "substanceUnits", "hasOnlySubstanceUnits", "boundaryCondition", "constant", ]: d[key] = _get_sbase_attribute(s, key) for key in ["initialAmount", "initialConcentration"]: if d[key] is not None and np.isnan(d[key]): # NaN not JSON serializable d[key] = "NaN" d["units_sid"] = s.getUnits() if s.isSetUnits() else None d["units"] = udef_to_string(d["units_sid"], model) d["derivedUnits"] = udef_to_string(s.getDerivedUnitDefinition()) # lookup in maps (PKs are in the form <SBMLType>:<id/metaID/name/etc). key =":")[-1] if key in self.maps["assignments"]: d["assignment"] = self.maps["assignments"][key] if key in self.maps["ports"]: d["port"] = self.maps["ports"][key] if s.isSetConversionFactor(): cf_sid = s.getConversionFactor() cf_p: libsbml.Parameter = model.getParameter(cf_sid) cf_value = cf_p.getValue() cf_units = cf_p.getUnits() d["conversionFactor"] = { "sid": cf_sid, "value": cf_value, "units": cf_units, } else: d["conversionFactor"] = {} # fbc sfbc = s.getPlugin("fbc") d["fbc"] = ( { "formula": sfbc.getChemicalFormula() if sfbc.isSetChemicalFormula() else None, "charge": sfbc.getCharge() if (sfbc.isSetCharge() and sfbc.getCharge() != 0) else None, } if sfbc else None ) species.append(d) return species
[docs] def parameters( self, model: libsbml.Model, assignments: Dict[str, Dict[str, str]] ) -> List[Dict]: """Information for SBML Parameters. :return: list of info dictionaries for Reactions """ parameters = [] p: libsbml.Parameter for p in model.getListOfParameters(): d = self.sbase_dict(p) if p.isSetValue(): value = p.getValue() if np.isnan(value): value = None else: value = None d["value"] = value for key in ["value"]: if d[key] is not None and np.isnan(d[key]): # NaN not JSON serializable d[key] = "NaN" d["constant"] = p.getConstant() if p.isSetConstant() else None d["units_sid"] = p.getUnits() if p.isSetUnits() else None d["units"] = udef_to_string(d["units_sid"], model) d["derivedUnits"] = udef_to_string(p.getDerivedUnitDefinition()) key =":")[-1] if key in self.maps["assignments"]: d["assignment"] = self.maps["assignments"][key] if key in self.maps["ports"]: d["port"] = self.maps["ports"][key] parameters.append(d) return parameters
[docs] def initial_assignments(self, model: libsbml.Model) -> List: """Information for InitialAssignments. :return: list of info dictionaries for InitialAssignments """ assignments = [] assignment: libsbml.InitialAssignment for assignment in model.getListOfInitialAssignments(): d = self.sbase_dict(assignment) d["symbol"] = assignment.getSymbol() if assignment.isSetSymbol() else None d["math"] = astnode_to_latex(assignment.getMath()) d["derivedUnits"] = udef_to_string(assignment.getDerivedUnitDefinition()) assignments.append(d) return assignments
[docs] def rules(self, model: libsbml.Model) -> Dict: """Information for Rules. :return: list of info dictionaries for Rules """ rules: Dict[str, List] = { "assignmentRules": [], "rateRules": [], "algebraicRules": [], } rule: libsbml.Rule for rule in model.getListOfRules(): d = self.sbase_dict(rule) d["variable"] = self._rule_variable_to_string(rule) d["math"] = astnode_to_latex(rule.getMath()) if rule.isSetMath() else None d["derivedUnits"] = udef_to_string(rule.getDerivedUnitDefinition()) type = d["sbmlType"] key = f"{type[0].lower()}{type[1:]}s" rules[key].append(d) return rules
[docs] def _rule_variable_to_string(rule: libsbml.Rule) -> str: """Format variable for rule. :param rule: SBML rule instance :return formatted string representation of the rule """ if isinstance(rule, libsbml.AlgebraicRule): return "0" elif isinstance(rule, libsbml.AssignmentRule): return rule.variable # type: ignore elif isinstance(rule, libsbml.RateRule): return f"d {rule.variable}/dt" else: raise TypeError(rule)
[docs] def constraints(self, model: libsbml.Model) -> List[Dict[str, Any]]: """Information for Constraints. :return: list of info dictionaries for Constraints """ constraints = [] constraint: libsbml.Constraint for constraint in model.getListOfConstraints(): d = self.sbase_dict(constraint) d["math"] = ( astnode_to_latex(constraint.getMath()) if constraint.isSetMath() else None ) d["message"] = ( constraint.getMessage() if constraint.isSetMessage() else None ) constraints.append(d) return constraints
[docs] def reactions(self, model: libsbml.Model) -> List[Dict[str, Any]]: """Information dictionaries for ListOfReactions. :return: list of info dictionaries for Reactions -- take a look at local parameter once """ reactions = [] r: libsbml.Reaction for r in model.getListOfReactions(): d = self.sbase_dict(r) d["reversible"] = r.getReversible() if r.isSetReversible() else None d["compartment"] = r.getCompartment() if r.isSetCompartment() else None d["listOfReactants"] = [ self._species_reference(reac) for reac in r.getListOfReactants() ] d["listOfProducts"] = [ self._species_reference(prod) for prod in r.getListOfProducts() ] d["listOfModifiers"] = [mod.getSpecies() for mod in r.getListOfModifiers()] d["fast"] = r.getFast() if r.isSetFast() else None d["equation"] = self._equation_from_reaction(r) klaw: libsbml.KineticLaw = ( r.getKineticLaw() if r.isSetKineticLaw() else None ) if klaw: d_law: Dict[str, Any] = {} d_law["math"] = ( astnode_to_latex(klaw.getMath()) if klaw.isSetMath() else None ) d_law["derivedUnits"] = udef_to_string(klaw.getDerivedUnitDefinition()) d_law["localParameters"] = [] for i in range(len(klaw.getListOfLocalParameters())): lp: libsbml.LocalParameter = klaw.getLocalParameter(i) lpar_info = { "id": lp.getId() if lp.isSetId() else None, "value": lp.getValue() if lp.isSetValue() else None, "units_sid": lp.getUnits() if lp.isSetUnits() else None, "derivedUnits": udef_to_string(lp.getDerivedUnitDefinition()), } lpar_info["units"] = udef_to_string(lpar_info["units_sid"], model) d_law["localParameters"].append(lpar_info) d["kineticLaw"] = d_law else: d["kineticLaw"] = None # fbc rfbc = r.getPlugin("fbc") d["fbc"] = ( { "bounds": self._bounds_dict_from_reaction(r, model), "gpa": self._gene_product_association_from_reaction(r), } if rfbc else None ) key =":")[-1] if key in self.maps["assignments"]: d["assignment"] = self.maps["assignments"][key] if key in self.maps["ports"]: d["port"] = self.maps["ports"][key] reactions.append(d) return reactions
[docs] def _species_reference(species: libsbml.SpeciesReference) -> Dict[str, Any]: """Resolve species reference.""" return { "species": species.getSpecies() if species.isSetSpecies() else None, "stoichiometry": species.getStoichiometry() if species.isSetStoichiometry() else 1.0, "constant": species.getConstant() if species.isSetConstant() else None, }
[docs] def _bounds_dict_from_reaction( reaction: libsbml.Reaction, model: libsbml.Model ) -> Optional[Dict]: """Render string of bounds from the reaction. :param reaction: SBML reaction instance :param model: SBML model instance :return: String of bounds extracted from the reaction """ bounds: Optional[Dict] rfbc = reaction.getPlugin("fbc") if rfbc is not None: # get values for bounds lb_id: Optional[str] = None ub_id: Optional[str] = None lb_value: Optional[float] = None ub_value: Optional[float] = None if rfbc.isSetLowerFluxBound(): lb_id = rfbc.getLowerFluxBound() lb_p: libsbml.Parameter = model.getParameter(lb_id) if lb_p.isSetValue(): lb_value = lb_p.getValue() if rfbc.isSetUpperFluxBound(): ub_id = rfbc.getUpperFluxBound() ub_p: libsbml.Parameter = model.getParameter(ub_id) if ub_p.isSetValue(): ub_value = ub_p.getValue() bounds = { "lowerFluxBound": { "id": lb_id, "value": lb_value, }, "upperFluxBound": { "id": ub_id, "value": ub_value, }, } else: bounds = None return bounds
[docs] def _gene_product_association_from_reaction( reaction: libsbml.Reaction, ) -> Optional[str]: """Render string representation of the GeneProductAssociation for given reaction. :param reaction: SBML reaction instance :return: string representation of GeneProductAssociation """ rfbc = reaction.getPlugin("fbc") gpa = ( str(rfbc.getGeneProductAssociation().getAssociation().toInfix()) if (rfbc and rfbc.isSetGeneProductAssociation()) else None ) return gpa
[docs] def _equation_from_reaction( reaction: libsbml.Reaction, sep_reversible: str = "&#8646;", sep_irreversible: str = "&#10142;", modifiers: bool = False, ) -> str: """Create equation for reaction. :param reaction: SBML reaction instance for which equation is to be generated :param sep_reversible: escape sequence for reversible equation (<=>) separator :param sep_irreversible: escape sequence for irreversible equation (=>) separator :param modifiers: boolean flag to use modifiers :return equation string generated for the reaction """ left = SBMLDocumentInfo._half_equation(reaction.getListOfReactants()) right = SBMLDocumentInfo._half_equation(reaction.getListOfProducts()) if reaction.getReversible(): # '<=>' sep = sep_reversible else: # '=>' sep = sep_irreversible if modifiers: mods = SBMLDocumentInfo._modifier_equation(reaction.getListOfModifiers()) if mods is None: return " ".join([left, sep, right]) else: return " ".join([left, sep, right, mods]) return " ".join([left, sep, right])
[docs] def _modifier_equation(modifierList: libsbml.ListOfSpeciesReferences) -> str: """Render string representation for list of modifiers. :param modifierList: list of modifiers :return: string representation for list of modifiers """ if len(modifierList) == 0: return "" mids = [m.getSpecies() for m in modifierList] return "[" + ", ".join(mids) + "]" # type: ignore
[docs] def _half_equation(speciesList: libsbml.ListOfSpecies) -> str: """Create equation string of the half reaction of the species in the species list. :param speciesList: list of species in the half reaction :return: half equation string """ items = [] sr: libsbml.SpeciesReference for sr in speciesList: stoichiometry = sr.getStoichiometry() if sr.isSetStoichiometry() else 1.0 species = sr.getSpecies() if abs(stoichiometry - 1.0) < 1e-8: sd = f"{species}" elif abs(stoichiometry + 1.0) < 1e-8: sd = f"-{species}" elif stoichiometry >= 0: sd = f"{stoichiometry} {species}" elif stoichiometry < 0: sd = f"-{stoichiometry} {species}" else: raise ValueError( f"Half equation could not be generated: '{sr}' with " f"stoichiometry: '{stoichiometry}'." ) items.append(sd) return " + ".join(items)
[docs] def events(self, model: libsbml.Model) -> List[Dict[str, Any]]: """Information dictionaries for Events. :return: list of info dictionaries for Events """ events = [] event: libsbml.Event for event in model.getListOfEvents(): d = self.sbase_dict(event) d["useValuesFromTriggerTime"] = ( event.getUseValuesFromTriggerTime() if event.isSetUseValuesFromTriggerTime() else None ) trigger: libsbml.Trigger = ( event.getTrigger() if event.isSetTrigger() else None ) if trigger: d["trigger"] = { "math": astnode_to_latex(trigger.getMath()) if trigger.isSetMath() else None, "initialValue": trigger.initial_value, "persistent": trigger.persistent, } else: d["trigger"] = None priority: libsbml.Priority = ( event.getPriority() if event.isSetPriority() else None ) if priority: d["priority"] = ( astnode_to_latex(priority.getMath()) if priority.isSetMath() else None ) delay: libsbml.Delay = event.getDelay() if event.isSetDelay() else None if delay: d["delay"] = ( astnode_to_latex(delay.getMath()) if delay.isSetMath() else None ) assignments = [] eva: libsbml.EventAssignment for eva in event.getListOfEventAssignments(): assignments.append( { "variable": eva.getVariable() if eva.isSetVariable() else None, "math": astnode_to_latex(eva.getMath()) if eva.isSetMath() else None, } ) d["listOfEventAssignments"] = assignments events.append(d) return events
# --------------------------------------------------------------------------------- # comp # ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------
[docs] def model_definitions(self) -> Dict: """Information for comp:ModelDefinitions. :return: list of info dictionaries for comp:ModelDefinitions """ mds: List[Dict[str, Any]] = [] emds: List[Dict[str, Any]] = [] doc_comp: libsbml.CompSBMLDocumentPlugin = self.doc.getPlugin("comp") if doc_comp: md: libsbml.ModelDefinition for md in doc_comp.getListOfModelDefinitions(): mds.append(self.model_dict(model=md)) emd: libsbml.ExternalModelDefinition for emd in doc_comp.getListOfExternalModelDefinitions(): d_emd = self.sbase_dict(emd) d_emd["modelRef"] = emd.getModelRef() if emd.isSetModelRef() else None d_emd["source"] = emd.getSource() if emd.isSetSource() else None emds.append(d_emd) d: Dict[str, List] = { "modelDefinitions": mds, "externalModelDefinitions": emds, } return d
[docs] def submodels(self, model: libsbml.Model) -> List[Dict[str, Any]]: """Information dictionaries for comp:Submodels. :return: list of info dictionaries for comp:Submodels """ submodels: List[Dict[str, Any]] = [] model_comp = model.getPlugin("comp") if model_comp: submodel: libsbml.Submodel for submodel in model_comp.getListOfSubmodels(): d = self.sbase_dict(submodel) d["modelRef"] = ( submodel.getModelRef() if submodel.isSetModelRef() else None # ) deletions = [] for deletion in submodel.getListOfDeletions(): deletions.append(self._sbaseref(deletion)) d["deletions"] = deletions d["timeConversion"] = ( submodel.getTimeConversionFactor() if submodel.isSetTimeConversionFactor() else None ) d["extentConversion"] = ( submodel.getExtentConversionFactor() if submodel.isSetExtentConversionFactor() else None ) submodels.append(d) return submodels
[docs] def ports(self, model: libsbml.Model) -> List: """Information for comp:Ports. :return: list of info dictionaries for comp:Ports """ model_comp = model.getPlugin("comp") ports = [] if model_comp: port: libsbml.Port for port in model_comp.getListOfPorts(): d = self.sbaseref_dict(port) ports.append(d) return ports
# --------------------------------------------------------------------------------- # fbc # ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------
[docs] def gene_products(self, model: libsbml.Model) -> List[Dict[str, Any]]: """Information dictionaries for GeneProducts. :return: list of info dictionaries for Reactions """ gps = [] model_fbc: libsbml.FbcModelPlugin = model.getPlugin("fbc") if model_fbc: gp: libsbml.GeneProduct for gp in model_fbc.getListOfGeneProducts(): d = self.sbase_dict(gp) d["label"] = gp.getLabel() if gp.isSetLabel() else None d["associatedSpecies"] = ( gp.getAssociatedSpecies() if gp.isSetAssociatedSpecies() else None ) gps.append(d) return gps
[docs] def objectives(self, model: libsbml.Model) -> List[Dict[str, Any]]: """Information dictionaries for Objectives. :return: list of info dictionaries for Objectives """ objectives = [] model_fbc: libsbml.FbcModelPlugin = model.getPlugin("fbc") if model_fbc: objective: libsbml.Objective for objective in model_fbc.getListOfObjectives(): d = self.sbase_dict(objective) d["type"] = objective.getType() if objective.isSetType() else None flux_objectives = [] f_obj: libsbml.FluxObjective for f_obj in objective.getListOfFluxObjectives(): coefficient = f_obj.getCoefficient() if coefficient < 0.0: sign = "-" else: sign = "+" part = { "sign": sign, "coefficient": abs(coefficient), "reaction": f_obj.getReaction() if f_obj.isSetReaction() else None, } flux_objectives.append(part) d["fluxObjectives"] = flux_objectives objectives.append(d) return objectives
if __name__ == "__main__": from sbmlutils.console import console
[docs] output_dir = Path(__file__).parent / "tests"
if not output_dir.exists(): output_dir.mkdir(parents=True, exist_ok=True) from sbmlutils.resources import GLUCOSE_SBML, REPRESSILATOR_SBML for source in [ # COMP_ICG_BODY, # COMP_ICG_BODY_FLAT, # COMP_ICG_LIVER, # COMP_MODEL_DEFINITIONS_SBML, # FBC_RECON3D_SBML, # FBC_ECOLI_CORE_SBML, # DISTRIB_DISTRIBUTIONS_SBML, # DISTRIB_UNCERTAINTIES_SBML, # output_dir / "icg_body_flat_v2.xml", # GLUCOSE_SBML REPRESSILATOR_SBML, ]: info = SBMLDocumentInfo.from_sbml(source) console.rule() json_str = info.to_json() console.print(json_str) with open(output_dir / "tests.json", "w") as fout: fout.write(json_str)