Source code for

"""Rendering of formulas and Content MathML.

A common problem in rendering MathML is that the content MathML is difficult to read.
The presentation MathML has a much better rendering and improves understandability.
This module uses stylesheets for the conversion of content MathMl -> presentation

see also:

import re
from functools import lru_cache
from typing import Optional, Set

import libsbml
import lxml.etree as ET

from sbmlutils import RESOURCES_DIR, log

[docs]logger = log.get_logger(__name__)
[docs]xslt_cmml2pmml = ET.parse(str(RESOURCES_DIR / "xslt" / "ctopff.xsl"))
[docs]xslt_pmml2tex = ET.parse(str(RESOURCES_DIR / "xslt" / "xsltml" / "mmltex.xsl"))
[docs]def formula_to_astnode( formula: str, model: Optional[libsbml.Model] = None ) -> libsbml.ASTNode: """Convert formula string to ASTNode. :param formula: SBML formula string :param model: libsbml.Model :return: libsbml.ASTNode """ if model: astnode = libsbml.parseL3FormulaWithModel(formula, model) else: astnode = libsbml.parseL3Formula(formula) if not astnode: logger.error(f"Formula could not be parsed: '{formula}'") logger.error(libsbml.getLastParseL3Error()) raise ValueError( f"Formula could not be parsed: '{formula}'.\n" f"{libsbml.getLastParseL3Error()}" ) return astnode
[docs]def formula_to_latex(formula: str, model: Optional[libsbml.Model] = None) -> str: """Convert formula string to latex.""" astnode = formula_to_astnode(formula, model) return astnode_to_latex(astnode)
[docs]def cmathml_to_astnode(cmathml: str) -> libsbml.ASTNode: """Convert Content MathML string to ASTNode. :param cmathml: SBML Content MathML string :return: libsbml.ASTNode """ return libsbml.readMathMLFromString(cmathml)
[docs]def astnode_to_latex(astnode: libsbml.ASTNode) -> str: """Convert ASTNode to Latex using XSLT transformation.""" cmml_str: str = libsbml.writeMathMLToString(astnode) cmml_str = cmml_str.replace('<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>', "") return cmathml_to_latex(cmml_str)
[docs]def cmathml_to_latex(cmml_str: str) -> str: """Content MathML to latex conversion using XSLT transformation.""" # content MathML -> presentation MathML cmml_dom = ET.fromstring(cmml_str) transform1 = ET.XSLT(xslt_cmml2pmml) pmml_dom = transform1(cmml_dom) # content MathML -> latex transform2 = ET.XSLT(xslt_pmml2tex) tex_str = str(transform2(pmml_dom)) # remove equation symbols tex_str = tex_str.replace("$", "") # fix piecewise tex_str = tex_str.replace(r"\hfill", "") tex_str = tex_str.replace(r"\multicolumn{2}{c}", "") tex_str = tex_str.replace(r"\left(\{\begin{array}{ccc}", r"\begin{cases} ") tex_str = tex_str.replace(r"\end{array}\right)", r"\end{cases}") tex_str = tex_str.replace(r"\{\begin{array}{ccc}", r"\begin{cases} ") tex_str = tex_str.replace(r"\end{array}", r"\end{cases}") # fix lambda function tex_str = tex_str.replace(r"}\mathit", r"}, \mathit") tex_str = tex_str.replace(r"\lambda ", r"\lambda(") tex_str = tex_str.replace(r"}.", "}) =") # cleanup symbols tex_str = _fix_mathit_symbols(tex_str) # print(tex_str) # pmml_bytes = ET.tostring(pmml_dom, pretty_print=True) # pmml_str = pmml_bytes.decode("UTF-8") return tex_str
# symbols replaced in latex
[docs]greek_symbols = [ "alpha", "beta", "gamma", "Gamma" "delta", "Delta", "epsilon", "zeta", "eta", "theta", "iota", "kappa", "Lambda", # no lowercase due to function definition "mu", "nu", "omicron", "pi" "rho", "sigma", "tau", "upsilon", "Upsilon", "phi", "Phi", "chi", "psi", "Psi", "omega", "Omega", ]
[docs]def symbol_to_latex(symbol: str) -> str: """Convert symbol to latex by packing in mathit and escaping underscores.""" symbol = symbol.replace(r"_", r"\_") symbol = r"\mathit{" + symbol + "}" return _fix_mathit_symbols(symbol)
[docs]def _fix_mathit_symbols(tex_str: str) -> str: """Heuristic replacements for better latex rendering. Single underscores are set down. Greek symbols are rendered (with exception of small lambda). """ # fix single underscores in variable names # \mathit{group1\_group2} -> \mathit{group1_{group2}} matches = re.findall(r"\\mathit{([a-zA-Z0-9]+)\\_([a-zA-Z0-9]+)}", tex_str) if matches: for m in matches: tex_str = tex_str.replace( r"\mathit{" + m[0] + r"\_" + m[1] + "}", r"\mathit{" + m[0] + r"_{" + m[1] + "}}", ) # replace greek symbols for symbol in greek_symbols: tex_str = tex_str.replace( r"\mathit{" + symbol + "}", r"\mathit{" + f"\{symbol}" + "}" # noqa: W605 ) return tex_str
[docs]def _get_variables( astnode: libsbml.ASTNode, variables: Optional[Set[str]] = None ) -> Set[str]: """Get variables from ASTNode.""" if variables is None: variables: Set[str] = set() # type: ignore num_children = astnode.getNumChildren() if num_children == 0: if astnode.isName(): name = astnode.getName() variables.add(name) # type: ignore else: for k in range(num_children): child: libsbml.ASTNode = astnode.getChild(k) _get_variables(child, variables=variables) return variables # type: ignore