Source code for

"""Example models for the sbml4humans API."""
from pathlib import Path
from typing import List, Optional

import libsbml
from pydantic import BaseModel, FilePath
from pymetadata.omex import Omex

from sbmlutils.console import console
from import read_sbml
from sbmlutils.resources import (

[docs]class ExampleMetaData(BaseModel): """Metadata for example model on sbml4humans."""
[docs] id: str
[docs] file: FilePath
[docs] name: Optional[str] = None
[docs] description: Optional[str] = None
[docs] packages: List[str] = []
[docs]def create_models_metadata(sbml_path: Path) -> ExampleMetaData: """Read metadata from SBML file.""" doc: libsbml.SBMLDocument = read_sbml(sbml_path, validate=False) model: libsbml.Model = doc.getModel() if not model: raise ValueError(f"Model could not be read for '{sbml_path}'") sid: str = model.getId() if model.isSetId() else None if not sid: sid = sbml_path.stem name: str = model.getName() if model.isSetName() else None description: str = model.getNotesString() if model.isSetNotes() else None packages: List[str] = [] for k in range(doc.getNumPlugins()): plugin: libsbml.SBMLDocumentPlugin = doc.getPlugin(k) packages.append(plugin.getPrefix()) return ExampleMetaData( file=sbml_path, id=f"{sid} ({})", name=name, description=description, packages=packages, )
[docs]def create_omex_metadata(omex_path: Path) -> ExampleMetaData: """Create metadata from OMEX file.""" omex = Omex.from_omex(omex_path) return ExampleMetaData( file=omex_path, id=omex_path.stem, name=omex_path.stem, description=str(omex.manifest), packages=["OMEX"], )
[docs]def biomodels_examples() -> List[ExampleMetaData]: """Biomodel examples.""" examples: List[ExampleMetaData] = [] with console.status("Processing examples ...", spinner="aesthetic"): for k in range(1, 50): biomodel_id = f"BIOMD0000000{k:0>3}" omex_path = BIOMODELS_CURATED_PATH / f"{biomodel_id}.omex" omex = Omex.from_omex(omex_path) sbml_entries = omex.entries_by_format(format_key="sbml") print(biomodel_id) print(omex) print(sbml_entries) biomodel_path = omex.get_path(sbml_entries[0].location) example = create_models_metadata(biomodel_path) = biomodel_id examples.append(example) return examples
[docs]examples = [create_omex_metadata(p) for p in API_EXAMPLES_OMEX]
examples += [create_models_metadata(p) for p in API_EXAMPLES_MODEL] examples += biomodels_examples()
[docs]examples_info = { emd for emd in examples}