Source code for sbmlutils.reaction_equation

"""Module for parsing reaction equation strings.

Various string formats are allowed which are subsequently brought into
an internal standard format.

Equations are of the form
    '1.0 S1 + 2 S2 => 2.0 P1 + 2 P2 [M1, M2]'

The equation consists of
- substrates concatenated via '+' on the left side
  (with optional stoichiometric coefficients)
- separation characters separating the left and right equation sides:
  '<=>' or '<->' for reversible reactions,
  '=>' or '->' for irreversible reactions (irreversible reactions
  are written from left to right)
- products concatenated via '+' on the right side
  (with optional stoichiometric coefficients)
- optional list of modifiers within brackets [] separated by ','

Examples of valid equations are:
    '1.0 S1 + 2 S2 => 2.0 P1 + 2 P2 [M1, M2]',
    'c__gal1p => c__gal + c__phos',
    'e__h2oM <-> c__h2oM',
    '3 atp + 2.0 phos + ki <-> 16.98 tet',
    'c__gal1p => c__gal + c__phos [c__udp, c__utp]',
    'A_ext => A []',
    '=> cit',
    'acoa =>',

In addition, variable stoichiometries can be used, by providing sids as stoichiometries.
Examples of valid equations with variable stoichiometries are:
    'fS1 S1 + 2 S2 => 2.0 P1 + 2 P2 [M1, M2]',
    'f1 c__gal1p => f1 c__gal + f1 c__phos',
    'f1 * e__h2oM <-> f1 * c__h2oM',
    '3 atp + 2.0 phos + ki <-> stet tet',
    'f * c__gal1p => f * c__gal + f * c__phos [c__udp, c__utp]',
    'A_ext => f * A []',
    '=> f * cit',
    'f * acoa =>',

from __future__ import annotations

import re
from dataclasses import dataclass, field
from typing import Any, Final, Iterable, List, Optional

[docs]class EquationPart: """EquationPart. # FIXME: this must be a SpeciesReference, but circular imports! An equation consists of parts which define species with their respective stoichiometries. The stoichiometries could be constant or vary over time. The sid may be target of an InitialAssignment, EventAssignment or Rule. Two main cases exists: 1. `stoichiometry=float, constant=True` The EquationPart has a constant stoichiometry and does not change in the simulation. It could be set via an InitialAssignment if an sid is provided. 2. `stoichiometry=None, constant=False, sid=str` """
[docs] species: str
[docs] stoichiometry: Optional[float] = None
[docs] sid: Optional[str] = None
[docs] constant: bool = True
[docs] metaId: Optional[str] = field(default=None, repr=False)
[docs] sboTerm: Optional[str] = field(default=None, repr=False)
[docs] name: Optional[str] = field(default=None, repr=False)
[docs] annotations: Optional[List] = field(default=None, repr=False)
[docs] notes: Optional[str] = field(default=None, repr=False)
[docs] keyValuePairs: Optional[List[Any]] = field(default=None, repr=False)
[docs]REVERSIBILITY_PATTERN: Final = r"<[-=]>"
[docs]IRREVERSIBILITY_PATTERN: Final = r"[-=]>"
[docs]MODIFIER_PATTERN: Final = r"\[.*\]"
[docs]class ReactionEquation: """Representation of stoichiometric equations with modifiers.""" class EquationException(Exception): """Exception in Equation.""" pass def __init__( self, reactants: Optional[List[EquationPart]] = None, products: Optional[List[EquationPart]] = None, modifiers: Optional[List[str]] = None, reversible: bool = True, ): """Initialize equation.""" self.reversible: bool = reversible self.reactants: List[EquationPart] = reactants if reactants else [] self.products: List[EquationPart] = products if products else [] self.modifiers: List[str] = modifiers if modifiers else [] @staticmethod
[docs] def from_str(equation_str: str) -> ReactionEquation: """Parse components of equation string.""" equation = ReactionEquation() equation._parse_equation(equation_str) return equation
[docs] def _parse_equation(self, equation_str: str) -> None: # handle empty equation (for dummy reations in comp) if not equation_str or len(equation_str) == 0: return # get modifiers and remove from equation string mod_list = re.findall(MODIFIER_PATTERN, equation_str) if len(mod_list) == 1: self._parse_modifiers(mod_list[0]) tokens = equation_str.split("[") equation_str = tokens[0].strip() elif len(mod_list) > 1: raise self.EquationException( f"Invalid equation: {equation_str}. " f"Modifier list could not be parsed. " f"{}" ) # now parse the equation without modifiers items = re.split(REVERSIBILITY_PATTERN, equation_str) if len(items) == 2: self.reversible = True elif len(items) == 1: items = re.split(IRREVERSIBILITY_PATTERN, equation_str) self.reversible = False else: raise self.EquationException( f"Invalid equation: {equation_str}. " f"Equation could not be split into left " f"and right side. {}" ) # remove whitespaces items = [o.strip() for o in items] if len(items) < 2: raise self.EquationException( f"Invalid equation: {equation_str}. " f"Equation could not be split into left " f"and right side. Use '<=>' or '=>' as separator. {}" ) left, right = items[0], items[1] if len(left) > 0: self.reactants = self._parse_half_equation(left) if len(right) > 0: self.products = self._parse_half_equation(right)
[docs] def _parse_modifiers(self, s: str) -> None: s = s.replace("[", "") s = s.replace("]", "") s = s.strip() tokens = re.split("[,;]", s) modifiers = [t.strip() for t in tokens] self.modifiers = [t for t in modifiers if len(t) > 0]
[docs] def _parse_half_equation(self, string: str) -> List[EquationPart]: """Parse half-equation. Only '+ supported in equation !, do not use negative stoichiometries. """ items = re.split("[+-]", string) items = [item.strip() for item in items] return [self._parse_reactant(item) for item in items]
[docs] def _parse_reactant(item: str) -> EquationPart: """Parse stoichiometry, species, sid information.""" tokens = item.split() if len(tokens) == 1: stoichiometry = 1.0 species = tokens[0] constant = True sid = None else: try: stoichiometry = float(tokens[0]) constant = True sid = None except ValueError: stoichiometry = None constant = False sid = tokens[0] if tokens[1] == "*": species = " ".join(tokens[2:]).strip() else: species = " ".join(tokens[1:]) return EquationPart( stoichiometry=stoichiometry, species=species, constant=constant, sid=sid, )
[docs] def _to_string_side(items: Iterable[EquationPart]) -> str: tokens = [] for item in items: stoichiometry = item.stoichiometry species = item.species sid = item.sid if stoichiometry is None: if sid is not None: tokens.append(f"{sid} * {species}") else: if abs(1.0 - stoichiometry) < 1e-10: tokens.append(species) else: tokens.append(f"{stoichiometry} {species}") return " + ".join(tokens)
[docs] def _to_string_modifiers(self) -> str: return f"[{', '.join(self.modifiers)}]"
[docs] def to_string(self, modifiers: bool = False) -> str: """Get string representation of equation.""" left = self._to_string_side(self.reactants) right = self._to_string_side(self.products) if self.reversible: sep = REVERSIBILITY_SEPARATOR else: sep = IRREVERSIBILITY_SEPARATOR if modifiers: mod = self._to_string_modifiers() return " ".join([left, sep, right, mod]) else: return " ".join([left, sep, right])
[docs] def info(self) -> None: """Print overview of parsed equation.""" lines = [ f"{'equation':<10s}: {self.to_string(modifiers=True)}", f"{'reversible':<10s}: {self.reversible}", f"{'reactants':<10s}: {self.reactants}", f"{'products':<10s}: {self.products}", f"{'modifiers':<10s}: {self.modifiers}", "\n", ] print("\n".join(lines))
[docs] def help() -> str: """Get help information string.""" return """ For information on the supported equation format use from sbmlutils import equation help(equation) """
# ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- if __name__ == "__main__":
[docs] examples = [ # constant stoichiometry "1.0 S1 + 2 S2 => 2.0 P1 + 2 P2 [M1, M2]", "c__gal1p => c__gal + c__phos", "e__h2oM <-> c__h2oM", "3 atp + 2.0 phos + ki <-> 16.98 tet", "c__gal1p => c__gal + c__phos [c__udp, c__utp]", "A_ext => A []", "=> cit", "acoa =>", # variable stoichiometry "fS1 S1 + 2 S2 => 2.0 P1 + 2 P2 [M1, M2]", "f1 c__gal1p => f1 c__gal + f1 c__phos", "f1 * e__h2oM <-> f1 * c__h2oM", "3 atp + 2.0 phos + ki <-> stet tet", "f * c__gal1p => f * c__gal + f * c__phos [c__udp, c__utp]", "A_ext => f * A []", "=> f * cit", "f * acoa =>", ]
for equation_str in examples: print("-" * 40) print(equation_str) print("-" * 40) eq = ReactionEquation.from_str(equation_str)