Source code for sbmlutils.notes

"""Module for notes.

Notes can be either written in markdown or HTML.
Markdown -> HTML conversion is performed using `markdown-it-py` for the conversion.
No styles for the display are inserted here.
import textwrap
from enum import Enum

import libsbml
from markdown_it import MarkdownIt

from sbmlutils import log
from sbmlutils.console import console

[docs]logger = log.get_logger(__name__)
[docs]class NotesFormat(str, Enum): """Supported formats for Notes."""
[docs] MARKDOWN = "markdown"
[docs] HTML = "html"
[docs]class Notes: """SBML notes.""" def __init__(self, notes: str, format: NotesFormat = NotesFormat.MARKDOWN): """Initialize notes object.""" # remove indentation md = textwrap.dedent(notes) # markdown to html if format == NotesFormat.MARKDOWN: mdit = MarkdownIt() html = mdit.render(md) elif format == NotesFormat.HTML: html = notes else: raise ValueError(f"Invalid Notes format: '{format}'") # insert body text with namespace notes_str = f'<body xmlns="">\n{html}\n</body>' self.xml: libsbml.XMLNode = libsbml.XMLNode.convertStringToXMLNode(notes_str) if self.xml is None: logger.error( f"XMLNode could not be generated. Most likely syntax error in \n" f"'{notes_str}'." ) raise ValueError(f"XMLNode could not be generated for:\n{notes_str}")
[docs] def __str__(self) -> str: """Get string representation.""" return str(self.xml.toXMLString())
if __name__ == "__main__":
[docs] notes = Notes("** Test")
print(notes) print(notes.xml)