Source code for sbmlutils.examples.reaction

"""Create reaction example."""
import numpy as np

from sbmlutils.examples import templates
from sbmlutils.factory import *
from sbmlutils.metadata import *
from sbmlutils.reaction_equation import EquationPart

[docs]model = Model( "reaction", name="model with reaction", notes=""" # Reaction definition This example demonstrates the creation of reactions with constant or variable stoichiometry. """ + templates.terms_of_use, creators=templates.creators, compartments=[ Compartment(sid="c", name="cytosol", value=np.NaN), ], species=[ Species( sid="x", compartment="c", sboTerm=SBO.SIMPLE_CHEMICAL, initialConcentration=10.0, boundaryCondition=True, ), Species( sid="y", compartment="c", sboTerm=SBO.SIMPLE_CHEMICAL, initialConcentration=0.0, ), ], rules=[ AssignmentRule( "f1", "1.0 * time", notes=""" Time dependent variable stoichiometry. """, ), AssignmentRule( "f2", "2.0 * time", notes=""" Time dependent variable stoichiometry. """, ), ], assignments=[ InitialAssignment( "v4_x", 2.5, notes=""" InitialAssignment for reactant stoichiometry in v4. """, ), InitialAssignment( "v4_y", 5.0, notes=""" InitialAssignment for product stoichiometry in v4. """, ), ], reactions=[ Reaction( sid="v1", equation="x -> y", compartment="c", formula="k1 * x", pars=[Parameter("k1", 1.0)], notes=""" Reaction with constant stoichiometry 1.0. """, ), Reaction( sid="v2", equation="1.0 x -> 2.0 y", compartment="c", formula="k1 * x", notes=""" Reaction with constant stoichiometry. """, ), Reaction( sid="v3", equation="f1 * x -> f2 * y", compartment="c", formula="k1 * x", notes=""" Reaction with variable stoichiometry set via AssignmentRules. """, ), Reaction( sid="v4", equation=ReactionEquation( reactants=[ EquationPart(species="x", stoichiometry=np.NaN, sid="v4_x"), ], products=[ EquationPart(species="y", stoichiometry=np.NaN, sid="v4_y"), ], reversible=False, ), compartment="c", formula="k1 * x", notes=""" Reaction with initial assignment of stoichiometry. """, ), ], )
if __name__ == "__main__": from sbmlutils.resources import EXAMPLES_DIR create_model(model=model, filepath=EXAMPLES_DIR / f"{model.sid}.xml")