Source code for sbmlutils.examples.fbc.fbc_key_value_pair

"""FBC example for KeyValuePairs."""
from sbmlutils.examples import templates
from sbmlutils.factory import *
from sbmlutils.metadata.sbo import *
from sbmlutils.validation import ValidationOptions

[docs]model = Model( "fbc_key_value_pair", packages=[Package.FBC_V3], creators=templates.creators, notes=""" # Example model with KeyValuePair. The `ListOfKeyValuePairs`, forms the basis of a controlled annotation defined by the Flux Balance Constraints package. This element defines a structured note or descriptive list of keys and associated values. """ + templates.terms_of_use, parameters=[ Parameter( sid="p1", name="example parameter", value=1.0, notes=""" The `ListOfKeyValuePairs` are used to store information in a dictionary with additional options for describing the keys via an `uri`. """, keyValuePairs=[ KeyValuePair( key="keyX", value="47", uri="" ), KeyValuePair( key="ZZkey", value="level 5", uri="" ), KeyValuePair( key="x-factor", value="intangible metaphysical property", uri="", ), ], ), ], )
if __name__ == "__main__": from sbmlutils.resources import EXAMPLES_DIR
[docs] sbml_path = EXAMPLES_DIR / "fbc" / f"{model.sid}.xml"
fac_results = create_model( model=model, filepath=sbml_path, show_sbml=True, validation_options=ValidationOptions(units_consistency=False), sbml_level=3, sbml_version=2, ) from sbmlutils.console import console from sbmlutils.parser import sbml_to_model model2: Model = sbml_to_model(source=sbml_path) console.print(model2.__repr__()) console.rule() console.print(str(model2)) # console.log(model.parameters[0]) print(model.parameters[0].keyValuePairs) print(model2.parameters[0].keyValuePairs) fac_results = create_model( model=model2, filepath=sbml_path, show_sbml=True, validation_options=ValidationOptions(units_consistency=False), sbml_level=3, sbml_version=2, )