Source code for sbmlutils.examples.compartment_species_reaction

"""Compartment, Species, Reaction example."""
from sbmlutils.examples import templates
from sbmlutils.factory import *
from sbmlutils.metadata.sbo import *

[docs]class U(Units): """UnitDefinitions."""
[docs] min = UnitDefinition("min", "min")
[docs] liter = UnitDefinition("liter", "liter")
[docs] m = UnitDefinition("m", "meter")
[docs] m2 = UnitDefinition("m2", "meter^2")
[docs] mmole = UnitDefinition("mmole", "mmole")
[docs] mM = UnitDefinition("mM", "mmole/liter")
[docs] mmole_per_min = UnitDefinition("mmole_per_min", "mmole/min")
[docs]model = Model( "compartment_species_reaction", name="model with compartments, species, reactions", notes=""" # Model with compartment, species, reaction This example demonstrates how to create compartments, species and reactions. The `Model.objects` are used to store the different objects. """ + templates.terms_of_use, creators=[ Creator( familyName="König", givenName="Matthias", email="", organization="Humboldt-University Berlin, Institute for Theoretical Biology", site="", orcid="0000-0003-1725-179X", ) ], units=U, model_units=ModelUnits( time=U.min, extent=U.mmole, substance=U.mmole, length=U.m, area=U.m2, volume=U.liter, ), objects=[ Compartment( "c", 1.0, unit=U.liter, name="cytosol", sboTerm=SBO.PHYSICAL_COMPARTMENT, notes=""" **Compartment** Compartments can be generated via the `Compartment` object. It is best practise to set a `name`, `unit` and `sboTerm`. Use the `notes` field to describe the model component. """, ), Species( "S1", initialConcentration=5.0, compartment="c", substanceUnit=U.mmole, name="S1", hasOnlySubstanceUnits=False, sboTerm=SBO.SIMPLE_CHEMICAL, notes=""" **Species** Species can be generated via the `Species` object. It is best practise to set a `name` and `sboTerm`. The `hasOnlySubstanceUnits` determine if the species is in amount [`substanceUnit`] (`hasOnlySubstanceUnits=True`) or concentration [`substanceUnit/compartmentUnit`] (`hasOnlySubstanceUnits=True`). Use the `notes` field to describe the model component. """, ), Parameter( "R1_Km", name="Km R1", value=0.1, unit=U.mmole, sboTerm=SBO.MICHAELIS_CONSTANT, notes=""" **Parameter** Parameters can be generated via the `Parameter` object. It is best practise to set a `name`, `unit` and `sboTerm`. Use the `notes` field to describe the model component. """, ), Parameter( "R1_Vmax", name="Vmax R1", value=10.0, unit=U.mmole_per_min, sboTerm=SBO.MAXIMAL_VELOCITY, ), InitialAssignment( "S1", "10.0 mM", unit=U.mM, notes=""" **InitialAssignment** InitialAssignments are generated via the `InitialAssignment` object. These allow to calculate the values of parameters, species or compartments at the begin of the simulation. Here we set the initial concentration of `S1` to `10 mM`. """, ), ], )
if __name__ == "__main__": from sbmlutils.resources import EXAMPLES_DIR create_model(model=model, filepath=EXAMPLES_DIR / f"{model.sid}.xml")