Source code for

"""Example demonstrating the interpolation of data."""
import tempfile
from pathlib import Path
from typing import Optional

import numpy as np
import pandas as pd
import roadrunner
from matplotlib import pyplot as plt
from matplotlib.pyplot import Axes, Figure

from sbmlutils import log
from import interpolation as ip

[docs]logger = log.get_logger(__name__)
[docs]def interpolate_data( data: pd.DataFrame, xid: str, yid: str, xid_model: Optional[str] = None, yid_model: Optional[str] = None, title: Optional[str] = None, ) -> None: """Interpolate given data.yid ~ data.xid. Two main use cases: - interpolate timecourse data (added via a parameter and rule) - interpolate data dependencies (added via a parameter and rule) TODO: support units in formula creation. """ x: np.ndarray = data[xid].values y: np.ndarray = data[yid].values data1 = pd.DataFrame({xid_model: x, yid_model: y}) print(data1) # plot results f: Figure ax1: Axes f, ax1 = plt.subplots(nrows=1, ncols=1) ax1.set_xlabel(f"{xid_model} [AU]") ax1.set_ylabel(f"{yid_model} [AU]") if title: ax1.set_title(title) ax1.plot(x, y, "o", color="black", label="y") colors = ["tab:red", "tab:green", "tab:blue"] for k, method in enumerate( [ ip.INTERPOLATION_CONSTANT, ip.INTERPOLATION_LINEAR, ip.INTERPOLATION_CUBIC_SPLINE, ] ): with tempfile.TemporaryDirectory() as tmpdir: tmp_f = Path(tmpdir, "tests.xml") interpolation = ip.Interpolation(data=data1, method=method) print("-" * 80) print(f"*** {method}: {yid_model} ~ {xid_model}***") interpolators = interpolation.create_interpolators( data=data1, method=method ) for interpolator in interpolators: print(interpolator.formula()) interpolation.write_sbml_to_file(tmp_f) r = roadrunner.RoadRunner(str(tmp_f)) r.timeCourseSelections = [xid_model, yid_model] # timecourse if xid_model == "time": s = r.simulate(0, x.max(), steps=200) # plot interpolation ax1.plot( s["time"], s[yid_model], label=f"{yid_model} {method}", color=colors[k], ) ax1.plot( s["time"], s[yid_model], label=f"{yid_model} {method}", color=colors[k], linestyle="--", ) # parameter scan else: xvec = np.linspace(start=np.min(x), stop=np.max(x), num=50) xvec_model = np.zeros_like(xvec) yvec_model = np.zeros_like(xvec) for kv, xvalue in enumerate(xvec): r.resetAll() r.setValue(xid_model, xvalue) s = r.simulate(0, 1, steps=2) df: pd.DataFrame = pd.DataFrame(s, columns=s.colnames) xvec_model[kv] = df[xid_model].values[-1] yvec_model[kv] = df[yid_model].values[-1] ax1.plot( xvec_model, yvec_model, label=f"{yid_model} {method}", color=colors[k], ) ax1.plot( xvec_model, yvec_model, label=f"{yid_model} {method}", color=colors[k], linestyle="--", ) ax1.legend()
if __name__ == "__main__": interpolate_data( data=pd.read_csv("atp_adp_mean.tsv", sep="\t"), xid="dose", yid="atp_adp", xid_model="glc", yid_model="atp_adp_total", title="Interpolation: atp_adp_mean", ) # interpolate_data( # data=pd.read_csv("atp_adp_normalized.tsv", sep="\t"), # xid="dose", yid="atp_adp", xid_model="time", yid_model="atp_adp_total", # title="Interpolation: atp_adp_normalized", # )