Source code for sbmlutils.converters.odefac

"""Convert SBML models to ODE systems for various programming languages.

This allows easy integration with existing workflows by rendering respective code templates.

Currently supported code generation:
- python: scipy
- R: desolve
- R: dmod

The following SBML core constructs are currently NOT supported:
- ConversionFactors
- FunctionDefinitions
- InitialAssignments
- Events

# TODO: helper functions for initial conditions (initial assignments & assignment rules)
# TODO: does not handle: ConversionFactors, FunctionDefinitions, InitialAssignments, nor Events
# TODO: add parameter rules, i.e. parameters which are assignments solely based on parameters (reduces complexity of full system).
from __future__ import annotations

import re
from collections import defaultdict
from pathlib import Path
from typing import Any, Dict, List, Optional, Set, Tuple, Union

import jinja2
import libsbml

# template location (for language templates)
from sbmlutils import RESOURCES_DIR
from sbmlutils.console import console
from sbmlutils.converters.mathml import evaluableMathML
from sbmlutils.log import get_logger
from import udef_to_string

[docs]logger = get_logger(__file__)
[docs]TEMPLATE_DIR = RESOURCES_DIR / "converters"
[docs]class SBML2ODE: """SBML to ODE converter. Writes out python or R ODE files which can be solved with standard integrators like scipy odeint or R desolve. """ def __init__(self, doc: libsbml.SBMLDocument): """Init with SBMLDocument. :param doc: SBMLDocument """ self.doc: libsbml.SBMLDocument = doc self.units = {} # model units self.x0: Dict = {} # initial amounts/concentrations self.a_ast: Dict = {} # initial assignments self.dx: Any = None self.dx_ast: Dict = {} # state variables x (odes) self.x_units: Dict = {} # state variables x units self.x_compartments: Dict = {} # compartments of species self.x_: Set = set() # species state variables as concentrations self.p: Dict = {} # parameters p (constants) self.p_units: Dict = {} # parameter units self.y_ast: Dict = {} # assigned variables self.yids_ordered: List[str] # yids in order of math dependencies self.y_units: Dict = {} # y units self._create_odes()
[docs] def info(self) -> None: """Print information on ODE system to console.""" console.rule(title="ODE System", align="left", style="white") console.print(f"{self.units=}") console.print(f"{self.x0=}") console.print(f"{self.x_units=}") console.print(f"{self.a_ast=}") console.print(f"{self.dx=}") console.print(f"{self.dx_ast=}") console.print(f"{self.p=}") console.print(f"{self.p_units=}") console.print(f"{self.y_ast=}") console.print(f"{self.y_units=}") console.print(f"{self.yids_ordered=}")
[docs] def from_file(cls, sbml_file: Path) -> SBML2ODE: """Create converter from SBML file.""" doc: libsbml.SBMLDocument = libsbml.readSBMLFromFile(str(sbml_file)) return cls(doc)
[docs] def _create_odes(self) -> None: """Create information of ODE system from SBMLDocument.""" model: libsbml.Model = self.doc.getModel() # -------------- # model units # -------------- self.units["time"] = udef_to_string( model.getTimeUnits(), model=model, format="str" ) self.units["substance"] = udef_to_string( model.getSubstanceUnits(), model=model, format="str" ) self.units["length"] = udef_to_string( model.getLengthUnits(), model=model, format="str" ) self.units["area"] = udef_to_string( model.getAreaUnits(), model=model, format="str" ) self.units["volume"] = udef_to_string( model.getVolumeUnits(), model=model, format="str" ) self.units["extent"] = udef_to_string( model.getExtentUnits(), model=model, format="str" ) # -------------- # parameters # -------------- # 1. constant parameters (real parameters of the system) parameter: libsbml.Parameter for parameter in model.getListOfParameters(): pid = parameter.getId() if parameter.getConstant(): value = parameter.getValue() else: value = "" self.p[pid] = value self.p_units[pid] = udef_to_string( parameter.getUnits(), model=model, format="str" ) # -------------- # compartments # -------------- # constant compartments (parameters of the system) compartment: libsbml.Compartment for compartment in model.getListOfCompartments(): cid = compartment.getId() if compartment.getConstant(): value = compartment.getSize() else: value = "" self.p[cid] = value self.p_units[cid] = udef_to_string( compartment.getUnits(), model=model, format="str" ) # -------------- # species # -------------- species: libsbml.Species for species in model.getListOfSpecies(): sid = species.getId() self.dx_ast[sid] = "" # initial condition value = None compartment = model.getCompartment(species.getCompartment()) if species.isSetInitialAmount(): value = species.getInitialAmount() if not species.getHasOnlySubstanceUnits(): # FIXME: handle the initial assignments/assignment rules for compartment volumes value = value / compartment.getSize() elif species.isSetInitialConcentration(): value = species.getInitialConcentration() if species.getHasOnlySubstanceUnits(): # FIXME: handle the initial assignments/assignment rules for compartment volumes value = value * compartment.getSize() self.x0[sid] = value ustr = udef_to_string(species.getUnits(), model=model, format="str") if not species.getHasOnlySubstanceUnits(): compartment = model.getCompartment(species.getCompartment()) ustr = f"{ustr}/{udef_to_string(compartment.getUnits(), model=model, format='str')}" self.x_units[sid] = ustr # compartments self.x_compartments[sid] = species.getCompartment() # -------------------- # initial assignments # -------------------- # types of objects whose identifiers are permitted as the values of InitialAssignment symbol attributes # are Compartment, Species, SpeciesReference and (global) Parameter objects in the model. assignment: libsbml.InitialAssignment for assignment in model.getListOfInitialAssignments(): variable = assignment.getSymbol() astnode = assignment.getMath() self.x0[variable] = astnode # -------------- # rules # -------------- rule: libsbml.Rule for rule in model.getListOfRules(): type_code = rule.getTypeCode() # -------------- # rate rules # -------------- if type_code == libsbml.SBML_RATE_RULE: # directly converted to odes (create additional state variables) rate_rule: libsbml.RateRule = rule variable = rate_rule.getVariable() # store rule astnode = rate_rule.getMath() self.dx_ast[variable] = astnode # dxids[variable] = evaluableMathML(astnode) # could be species, parameter, or compartment if variable in self.p: del self.p[variable] parameter = model.getParameter(variable) if parameter: self.x0[variable] = parameter.getValue() compartment = model.getCompartment(variable) if compartment: self.x0[variable] = compartment.getSize() # -------------- # assignment rules # -------------- elif type_code == libsbml.SBML_ASSIGNMENT_RULE: as_rule: libsbml.AssignmentRule = rule variable = as_rule.getVariable() astnode = as_rule.getMath() self.y_ast[variable] = astnode if variable in self.dx_ast: del self.dx[variable] self.y_units[variable] = self.x_units[variable] del self.x_units[variable] if variable in self.p: del self.p[variable] self.y_units[variable] = self.p_units[variable] del self.p_units[variable] # Process the kinetic laws of reactions reaction: libsbml.Reaction for reaction in model.getListOfReactions(): rid = reaction.getId() if reaction.isSetKineticLaw(): klaw: libsbml.KineticLaw = reaction.getKineticLaw() astnode = klaw.getMath() self.y_ast[rid] = astnode self.y_units = f"{self.units['extent']}/{self.units['time']}" # create astnode for dx_ast reactant: libsbml.SpeciesReference for reactant in reaction.getListOfReactants(): self._add_reaction_formula( model, rid=rid, species_ref=reactant, sign="-" ) product: libsbml.SpeciesReference for product in reaction.getListOfProducts(): self._add_reaction_formula( model, rid=rid, species_ref=product, sign="+" ) # create astnodes for the formula strings for key, astnode in self.dx_ast.items(): if not isinstance(astnode, libsbml.ASTNode): astnode = libsbml.parseL3FormulaWithModel(astnode, model) self.dx_ast[key] = astnode # check which math depends on other math (build tree of dependencies) self.yids_ordered = self._ordered_yids()
[docs] def _add_reaction_formula( self, model: libsbml.Model, rid: str, species_ref: libsbml.SpeciesReference, sign: str, ) -> None: """Add part of reaction formula to ODEs for species.""" stoichiometry = species_ref.getStoichiometry() sid = species_ref.getSpecies() species = model.getSpecies(sid) vid = species.getCompartment() # conversion factor # ------------------ # conversion factor # ------------------ cf: str = "" # global conversion factor if model.isSetConversionFactor(): cf = model.getConversionFactor() # local conversion factor takes precedence if species.isSetConversionFactor(): cf = species.getConversionFactor() if cf != "": cf = f"{cf}*" # stoichiometry prefix if abs(stoichiometry - 1.0) < 1e-10: stoichiometry = "" else: stoichiometry = f"{stoichiometry}*" # check if only substance units in_amount = species.getHasOnlySubstanceUnits() if in_amount: self.dx_ast[sid] += f" {sign}{stoichiometry}{cf}{rid}" else: # in concentration, dividing by the volume self.dx_ast[sid] += f" {sign}{stoichiometry}{cf}{rid}/{vid}"
# FIXME: handle variable compartments (see SBML specification for details) @staticmethod
[docs] def dependency_graph( y: Dict[str, Union[libsbml.ASTNode, str]], filtered_ids: Set[str] ) -> Dict[str, Set]: """Create dependency graph from given dictionary. :param y: { variable: astnode } dictionary :param filtered_ids: ids which are defined elsewhere and not part of dependency tree :return: """ def add_dependency_edges( g: Dict[str, Set], variable: str, astnode: libsbml.ASTNode ) -> None: """Add the dependency edges to the graph.""" # variable --depends_on--> v2 for k in range(astnode.getNumChildren()): child: libsbml.ASTNode = astnode.getChild(k) if child.getType() == libsbml.AST_NAME: # add to dependency graph if id is not a defined parameter or state variable sid = child.getName() if sid not in filtered_ids: g[variable].add(sid) # recursive adding of children add_dependency_edges(g, variable, child) # create math dependency graph g: Dict[str, Set] = defaultdict(set) for variable, astnode in y.items(): g[variable] = set() add_dependency_edges(g, variable=variable, astnode=astnode) return g
[docs] def _ordered_yids(self) -> List[str]: """Get the order of the vids from the assignment rules. :param model: :param filtered_ids :return: """ filtered_ids: Set[str] = set(list(self.p.keys()) + list(self.dx_ast.keys())) g: Dict[str, Set] = SBML2ODE.dependency_graph(self.y_ast, filtered_ids) # pprint(g) def create_ordered_variables( g: Dict[str, Set], yids: Optional[List[str]] = None ) -> List[str]: if yids is None: yids = [] yids_remove = [] for yid in sorted(g.keys()): yid_deps = g[yid] # add yids with no dependencies if len(yid_deps) == 0: yids_remove.append(yid) # add nodes with no dependencies to list yids = yids + list(yids_remove) # hard copy to store for yid in yids_remove: # remove the yid from nodes del g[yid] # remove the yid from dependency graph for s in g.values(): if yid in s: s.remove(yid) # still nodes in dependency graph (recursive removal) if len(g) > 0: yids = create_ordered_variables(g, yids=yids) return yids # create order from dependency graph yids = create_ordered_variables(g) return yids
[docs] def to_python(self, py_file: Path) -> None: """Write ODEs to python.""" content = self._render_template( template_file="odefac_template.pytemp", index_offset=0, replace_symbols=True, ) with open(py_file, "w") as f: f.write(content)
[docs] def to_R(self, r_file: Path) -> None: """Write ODEs to R.""" content = self._render_template( template_file="odefac_template.R", index_offset=1, replace_symbols=True, ) with open(r_file, "w") as f: f.write(content)
[docs] def to_markdown(self, md_file: Path) -> None: """Write ODEs to markdown.""" content = self._render_template( template_file="", index_offset=0, replace_symbols=False, ) with open(md_file, "w") as f: f.write(content)
[docs] def _render_template( self, template_file: str = "odefac_template.pytemp", index_offset: int = 0, replace_symbols: bool = True, ) -> str: """Render given language template. :return: rendered template string. """ # template environment env = jinja2.Environment( loader=jinja2.FileSystemLoader(TEMPLATE_DIR), extensions=[], trim_blocks=True, lstrip_blocks=True, ) template = env.get_template(template_file) # indices for replacements (pids_idx, yids_idx, dxids_idx) = self._indices(index_offset=index_offset) # create formulas def to_formula( ast_dict: Dict[str, Union[libsbml.ASTNode, str]], replace_symbols: bool = True, ) -> Dict[str, Union[libsbml.ASTNode, str]]: """Replace all symbols in given astnode dictionary. :param replace_symbols: :param ast_dict: :return: """ d: Dict[str, Union[libsbml.ASTNode, str]] = dict() for key in ast_dict: astnode = ast_dict[key] if not astnode: # constant rate d[key] = 0 else: # rate equations if not isinstance(astnode, libsbml.ASTNode): # already a formula d[key] = astnode continue if replace_symbols: astnode = astnode.deepCopy() # replace parameters (p) for key_rep, index in pids_idx.items(): ast_rep = libsbml.parseL3Formula(f"p__{index}__") astnode.replaceArgument(key_rep, ast_rep) # replace states (x) for key_rep, index in dxids_idx.items(): ast_rep = libsbml.parseL3Formula(f"x__{index}__") astnode.replaceArgument(key_rep, ast_rep) formula = evaluableMathML(astnode) if replace_symbols: formula = re.sub("p__", "p[", formula) formula = re.sub("x__", "x[", formula) formula = re.sub("y__", "y[", formula) formula = re.sub("__", "]", formula) d[key] = formula return d # replace parameters and states with (p[*], x[*] y = to_formula(self.y_ast, replace_symbols=replace_symbols) dx = to_formula(self.dx_ast, replace_symbols=replace_symbols) # keep symbols (no replacements) y_sym = to_formula(self.y_ast, replace_symbols=replace_symbols) dx_sym = to_formula(self.dx_ast, replace_symbols=replace_symbols) def flat_formulas() -> Tuple[Dict, Dict]: """Create a flat formula by full replacement. Uses the order of the dependencies. """ # deepcopy the ast dicts for replacements y_flat = dict() for yid in self.yids_ordered: astnode = self.y_ast[yid] y_flat[yid] = astnode.deepCopy() # deepcopy dx_flat = dict() for xid, astnode in self.dx_ast.items(): if astnode is not None: dx_flat[xid] = astnode.deepCopy() else: logger.warning(f"No ASTNode for '{xid}'") # replacements y_flat for yid in reversed(self.yids_ordered): astnode = y_flat[yid] for key in reversed(self.yids_ordered): ast_rep = y_flat[key] astnode.replaceArgument(key, ast_rep) # replacements dx_flat for _x_id, astnode in dx_flat.items(): if isinstance(astnode, libsbml.ASTNode): for key in reversed(self.yids_ordered): ast_rep = y_flat[key] astnode.replaceArgument(key, ast_rep) return y_flat, dx_flat # flatten dx and y, i.e., full replacements of astnode for one line expressions y_flat, dx_flat = flat_formulas() y_flat = to_formula(y_flat, replace_symbols=False) dx_flat = to_formula(dx_flat, replace_symbols=False) # context c = { "model": self.doc.getModel(), "units": self.units, "xids": sorted(self.dx_ast.keys()), "pids": sorted(self.p.keys()), "yids": self.yids_ordered, # 'rids': sorted(self.r.keys()), "x0": self.x0, "x_units": self.x_units, "x_compartments": self.x_compartments, "p": self.p, "p_units": self.p_units, "y": y, "y_units": self.y_units, "dx": dx, "y_sym": y_sym, "dx_sym": dx_sym, "y_flat": y_flat, "dx_flat": dx_flat, } return str(template.render(c))
[docs] def _indices( self, index_offset: int = 0 ) -> Tuple[Dict[str, int], Dict[str, int], Dict[str, int]]: """Get indices of pids, yids and dxids.""" # replacement dictionaries: pids_idx: Dict[str, int] = {} for k, key in enumerate(sorted(self.p.keys())): pids_idx[key] = k + index_offset yids_idx: Dict[str, int] = {} for k, key in enumerate(self.yids_ordered): yids_idx[key] = k + index_offset dxids_idx: Dict[str, int] = {} for k, key in enumerate(sorted(self.dx_ast.keys())): dxids_idx[key] = k + index_offset return pids_idx, yids_idx, dxids_idx