Source code for sbmlutils.converters.odefac

"""Convert SBML models to ODE systems for various programming languages.

This allows easy integration with existing workflows by rendering respective code templates.

Currently supported code generation:
- python: scipy
- R: desolve
- R: dmod

The following SBML core constructs are currently NOT supported:
- ConversionFactors
- FunctionDefinitions
- InitialAssignments
- Events

# TODO: helper functions for initial conditions (initial assignments & assignment rules)
# TODO: does not handle: ConversionFactors, FunctionDefinitions, InitialAssignments, nor Events
# TODO: add parameter rules, i.e. parameters which are assignments solely based on parameters (reduces complexity of full system).

import re
from collections import defaultdict
from pathlib import Path
from typing import Any, Dict, List, Optional, Set, Tuple, Union

import jinja2
import libsbml

# template location (for language templates)
from sbmlutils import RESOURCES_DIR
from sbmlutils.converters.mathml import evaluableMathML

[docs]TEMPLATE_DIR = RESOURCES_DIR / "converters"
[docs]class SBML2ODE: """SBML to ODE converter. Writes out python or R ODE files which can be solved with standard integrators like scipy odeint or R desolve. """ def __init__(self, doc: libsbml.SBMLDocument): """Init with SBMLDocument. :param doc: SBMLdocument """ self.doc: libsbml.SBMLDocument = doc self.x0: Dict = {} # initial amounts/concentrations self.a_ast: Dict = {} # initial assignments self.dx: Any self.dx_ast: Dict = {} # state variables x (odes) self.p: Dict = {} # parameters p (constants) self.y_ast: Dict = {} # assigned variables self.yids_ordered: List[str] # yids in order of math dependencies self._create_odes() @classmethod
[docs] def from_file(cls, sbml_file: Path) -> "SBML2ODE": """Create converter from SBML file.""" doc: libsbml.SBMLDocument = libsbml.readSBMLFromFile(str(sbml_file)) return cls(doc)
[docs] def _create_odes(self) -> None: """Create information of ODE system from SBMLDocument.""" model: libsbml.Model = self.doc.getModel() # -------------- # parameters # -------------- # 1. constant parameters (real parameters of the system) parameter: libsbml.Parameter for parameter in model.getListOfParameters(): pid = parameter.getId() if parameter.getConstant(): value = parameter.getValue() else: value = "" self.p[pid] = value # -------------- # compartments # -------------- # constant compartments (parameters of the system) compartment: libsbml.Compartment for compartment in model.getListOfCompartments(): cid = compartment.getId() if compartment.getConstant(): value = compartment.getSize() else: value = "" self.p[cid] = value # -------------- # species # -------------- species: libsbml.Species for species in model.getListOfSpecies(): sid = species.getId() self.dx_ast[sid] = "" # initial condition value = None compartment = model.getCompartment(species.getCompartment()) if species.isSetInitialAmount(): value = species.getInitialAmount() if not species.getHasOnlySubstanceUnits(): # FIXME: handle the initial assignments/assignment rules for compartment volumes value = value / compartment.getSize() elif species.isSetInitialConcentration(): value = species.getInitialConcentration() if species.getHasOnlySubstanceUnits(): # FIXME: handle the initial assignments/assignment rules for compartment volumes value = value * compartment.getSize() self.x0[sid] = value # -------------------- # initial assignments # -------------------- # types of objects whose identifiers are permitted as the values of InitialAssignment symbol attributes # are Compartment, Species, SpeciesReference and (global) Parameter objects in the model. assignment: libsbml.InitialAssignment for assignment in model.getListOfInitialAssignments(): variable = assignment.getSymbol() astnode = assignment.getMath() self.x0[variable] = astnode # -------------- # rules # -------------- rule: libsbml.Rule for rule in model.getListOfRules(): type_code = rule.getTypeCode() # -------------- # rate rules # -------------- if type_code == libsbml.SBML_RATE_RULE: # directly converted to odes (create additional state variables) rate_rule: libsbml.RateRule = rule variable = rate_rule.getVariable() # store rule astnode = rate_rule.getMath() self.dx_ast[variable] = astnode # dxids[variable] = evaluableMathML(astnode) # could be species, parameter, or compartment if variable in self.p: del self.p[variable] parameter = model.getParameter(variable) if parameter: self.x0[variable] = parameter.getValue() compartment = model.getCompartment(variable) if compartment: self.x0[variable] = compartment.getSize() # -------------- # assignment rules # -------------- elif type_code == libsbml.SBML_ASSIGNMENT_RULE: as_rule: libsbml.AssignmentRule = rule variable = as_rule.getVariable() astnode = as_rule.getMath() self.y_ast[variable] = astnode # yids[variable] = evaluableMathML(astnode) if variable in self.dx_ast: del self.dx[variable] if variable in self.p: del self.p[variable] # Process the kinetic laws of reactions reaction: libsbml.Reaction for reaction in model.getListOfReactions(): rid = reaction.getId() if reaction.isSetKineticLaw(): klaw: libsbml.KineticLaw = reaction.getKineticLaw() astnode = klaw.getMath() self.y_ast[rid] = astnode # create astnode for dx_ast reactant: libsbml.SpeciesReference for reactant in reaction.getListOfReactants(): self._add_reaction_formula( model, rid=rid, species_ref=reactant, sign="-" ) product: libsbml.SpeciesReference for product in reaction.getListOfProducts(): self._add_reaction_formula( model, rid=rid, species_ref=product, sign="+" ) # create astnodes for the formula strings for key, astnode in self.dx_ast.items(): if not isinstance(astnode, libsbml.ASTNode): astnode = libsbml.parseL3FormulaWithModel(astnode, model) self.dx_ast[key] = astnode # check which math depends on other math (build tree of dependencies) self.yids_ordered = self._ordered_yids()
[docs] def _add_reaction_formula( self, model: libsbml.Model, rid: str, species_ref: libsbml.SpeciesReference, sign: str, ) -> None: """Add part of reaction formula to ODEs for species.""" stoichiometry = species_ref.getStoichiometry() sid = species_ref.getSpecies() species = model.getSpecies(sid) vid = species.getCompartment() # stoichiometry prefix if abs(stoichiometry - 1.0) < 1e-10: stoichiometry = "" else: stoichiometry = f"{stoichiometry}*" # check if only substance units if species.getHasOnlySubstanceUnits(): self.dx_ast[sid] += f" {sign}{stoichiometry}{rid}" else: self.dx_ast[sid] += f" {sign}{stoichiometry}{rid}/{vid}"
[docs] def dependency_graph( y: Dict[str, Union[libsbml.ASTNode, str]], filtered_ids: Set[str] ) -> Dict[str, Set]: """Create dependency graph from given dictionary. :param y: { variable: astnode } dictionary :param filtered_ids: ids which are defined elsewhere and not part of dependency tree :return: """ def add_dependency_edges( g: Dict[str, Set], variable: str, astnode: libsbml.ASTNode ) -> None: """Add the dependency edges to the graph.""" # variable --depends_on--> v2 for k in range(astnode.getNumChildren()): child: libsbml.ASTNode = astnode.getChild(k) if child.getType() == libsbml.AST_NAME: # add to dependency graph if id is not a defined parameter or state variable sid = child.getName() if sid not in filtered_ids: g[variable].add(sid) # recursive adding of children add_dependency_edges(g, variable, child) # create math dependency graph g: Dict[str, Set] = defaultdict(set) for variable, astnode in y.items(): g[variable] = set() add_dependency_edges(g, variable=variable, astnode=astnode) return g
[docs] def _ordered_yids(self) -> List[str]: """Get the order of the vids from the assignment rules. :param model: :param filtered_ids :return: """ filtered_ids: Set[str] = set(list(self.p.keys()) + list(self.dx_ast.keys())) g: Dict[str, Set] = SBML2ODE.dependency_graph(self.y_ast, filtered_ids) # pprint(g) def create_ordered_variables( g: Dict[str, Set], yids: Optional[List[str]] = None ) -> List[str]: if yids is None: yids = [] yids_remove = [] for yid in sorted(g.keys()): yid_deps = g[yid] # add yids with no dependencies if len(yid_deps) == 0: yids_remove.append(yid) # add nodes with no dependencies to list yids = yids + list(yids_remove) # hard copy to store for yid in yids_remove: # remove the yid from nodes del g[yid] # remove the yid from dependency graph for s in g.values(): if yid in s: s.remove(yid) # still nodes in dependency graph (recursive removal) if len(g) > 0: yids = create_ordered_variables(g, yids=yids) return yids # create order from dependency graph yids = create_ordered_variables(g) return yids
[docs] def to_python(self, py_file: Path) -> None: """Write ODEs to python.""" content = self._render_template( template_file="odefac_template.pytemp", index_offset=0 ) with open(py_file, "w") as f: f.write(content)
[docs] def to_R(self, r_file: Path) -> None: """Write ODEs to R.""" content = self._render_template( template_file="odefac_template.R", index_offset=1 ) with open(r_file, "w") as f: f.write(content)
[docs] def _render_template( self, template_file: str = "odefac_template.pytemp", index_offset: int = 0 ) -> str: """Render given language template. :return: rendered template string. """ # template environment env = jinja2.Environment( loader=jinja2.FileSystemLoader(TEMPLATE_DIR), extensions=[], trim_blocks=True, lstrip_blocks=True, ) template = env.get_template(template_file) # indices for replacements (pids_idx, yids_idx, dxids_idx) = self._indices(index_offset=index_offset) # create formulas def to_formula( ast_dict: Dict[str, Union[libsbml.ASTNode, str]], replace_symbols: bool = True, ) -> Dict[str, Union[libsbml.ASTNode, str]]: """Replace all symbols in given astnode dictionary. :param replace_symbols: :param ast_dict: :return: """ d: Dict[str, Union[libsbml.ASTNode, str]] = dict() for key in ast_dict: astnode = ast_dict[key] if not isinstance(astnode, libsbml.ASTNode): # already a formula d[key] = astnode continue if replace_symbols: astnode = astnode.deepCopy() # replace parameters (p) for key_rep, index in pids_idx.items(): ast_rep = libsbml.parseL3Formula(f"p__{index}__") astnode.replaceArgument(key_rep, ast_rep) # replace states (x) for key_rep, index in dxids_idx.items(): ast_rep = libsbml.parseL3Formula(f"x__{index}__") astnode.replaceArgument(key_rep, ast_rep) formula = evaluableMathML(astnode) if replace_symbols: formula = re.sub("p__", "p[", formula) formula = re.sub("x__", "x[", formula) formula = re.sub("y__", "y[", formula) formula = re.sub("__", "]", formula) d[key] = formula return d # replace parameters and states with (p[*], x[*] y = to_formula(self.y_ast, replace_symbols=True) dx = to_formula(self.dx_ast, replace_symbols=True) # keep symbols (no replacements) y_sym = to_formula(self.y_ast, replace_symbols=False) dx_sym = to_formula(self.dx_ast, replace_symbols=False) def flat_formulas() -> Tuple[Dict, Dict]: """Create a flat formula by full replacement. Uses the order of the dependencies. """ # deepcopy the ast dicts for replacements y_flat = dict() for yid in self.yids_ordered: astnode = self.y_ast[yid] y_flat[yid] = astnode.deepCopy() # deepcopy dx_flat = dict() for xid, astnode in self.dx_ast.items(): dx_flat[xid] = astnode.deepCopy() # replacements y_flat for yid in reversed(self.yids_ordered): astnode = y_flat[yid] for key in reversed(self.yids_ordered): ast_rep = y_flat[key] astnode.replaceArgument(key, ast_rep) # replacements dx_flat for _x_id, astnode in dx_flat.items(): for key in reversed(self.yids_ordered): ast_rep = y_flat[key] astnode.replaceArgument(key, ast_rep) return y_flat, dx_flat # flatten dx and y, i.e., full replacements of astnode for one line expressions y_flat, dx_flat = flat_formulas() y_flat = to_formula(y_flat, replace_symbols=False) dx_flat = to_formula(dx_flat, replace_symbols=False) # context c = { "model": self.doc.getModel(), "xids": sorted(self.dx_ast.keys()), "pids": sorted(self.p.keys()), "yids": self.yids_ordered, # 'rids': sorted(self.r.keys()), "x0": self.x0, "p": self.p, "y": y, "dx": dx, "y_sym": y_sym, "dx_sym": dx_sym, "y_flat": y_flat, "dx_flat": dx_flat, } return str(template.render(c))
[docs] def _indices( self, index_offset: int = 0 ) -> Tuple[Dict[str, int], Dict[str, int], Dict[str, int]]: """Get indices of pids, yids and dxids.""" # replacement dictionaries: pids_idx: Dict[str, int] = {} for k, key in enumerate(sorted(self.p.keys())): pids_idx[key] = k + index_offset yids_idx: Dict[str, int] = {} for k, key in enumerate(self.yids_ordered): yids_idx[key] = k + index_offset dxids_idx: Dict[str, int] = {} for k, key in enumerate(sorted(self.dx_ast.keys())): dxids_idx[key] = k + index_offset return pids_idx, yids_idx, dxids_idx